Saturday, April 11, 2015

Unexpected Side Effects

Opportunities in life to rethink things come from odd places sometimes. I have not always been willing or able to look around and see what was right in front of my face that might help me grow. But recently, I have been making the effort to look and see, if I can.

So, recently, we got a puppy, and I am finding that having him around has made me question some things.

Having a puppy is a lot of work. :) Work I am happy to do yet it requires time to do. But I have many other goals, obligations, chores, and hobbies that I want to be involved in and with. We already have a dog, and 6 cats, a house, and a little over an acre land to maintain. (Plus full time jobs with voluntarily over time, and of course a marriage to keep thriving) And, I love to paint, sew, garden, and read. So I began to think. How can I accomplish these things and still give the time to our new puppy?

Two things happened as a result from this thinking.

The first thing was that I began to challenge my own thinking. I have had a fixed mindset and have thought that certain things could only be done at certain times, but time has become short lately. Yet I am not satisfied with not getting things done that I want to get done. Thus, I began to see that I could accomplish what I needed to at new times. So I began to vacuum the house on a week night, do laundry whenever I can, basically, when I find a moment, I try to accomplish something in order to get one more thing off my list (like dust, laundry, etc.) or satisfy something of importance to me (like having sex, exercising, painting, etc.).  Okay so that's the first thing that happened.

The second thing was that I began to feel a sense of urgency to accomplish. Getting another dog to be responsible for has shown me the necessity for using time as wisely as possible. It seems a little weird that after 1 dog and 6 cats, plus all that other stuff listed above, that adding another dog would add the urgency that I am now feeling but it did. Currently, I am writing this post and watching "Exodus: Gods and Kings." I guess I just didn't want to figure it out or couldn't for many reasons.

So that is what's been going on with me now. Growing and trying to change--- such an odd and interesting process,

Big hugs and well wishes all around!!

Isn't my puppy cute??!! His name is Indiana Jones, Indy for short.:)