Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hello Again!!

It has been awhile huh? In the past, my absence from writing a post was usually because things were not going well in my life. I was running from the responsibilities in my life and felt each thing was a burden. Recently, with the information I have been learning about mindset, I've been looking and dealing with the world with a new eye. I cannot say I am done with anything because for the first time I am not looking for done; I am looking for how much time, energy, and effort I put in.

At the end of the day, I have been looking at myself and I can say I see more time and energy and effort being put into the things I want. There is some peace in having evidence for myself that I can approach the world differently.  I now see I have the rest of my life to get better and to put time, energy, and effort into all of my goals.

Interesting?! What do you think about mindset? Do you struggle with this also?

(For more information about mindset, you can go to Carol Dweck's website. )



  1. Are you surprised to know that I struggle with my mindset almost every minute of every day? It's a constant struggle.

    I am happy that you have decided to join the fight. Stay strong, and stay vigilant and I know you will succeed.

    Kisses to my sweetie!!

    1. No I am not surprised; I have been running from reality for a long time and not wanting to see the truth. It feels good to finally be fighting!
      Thank you sooooooooooo much for all of your love and support! I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
