Saturday, May 11, 2013


Anger- it seems to sit below my surface all the time. Sometimes closer to the surface other times further down but always there. Since I will not accept that I am this angry, I will continue to do things that show how angry I am, like hurting others.

So I am angry. To change this, I will use this anger to motivate me to kick ass.  For so long, I have said I am not really interested in being a person who kicks ass yet deep inside I know that is not true; I want to be that person about which other people say “I want to be like that.”  So what has stopped me?

I would really like to avoid the actions necessary by going into the why of it all but that just is a diversionary tactic I learned long ago. In order to kick ass, I must face the core beliefs I have, challenge, and change them through actions. I am scared that I will fail, I am scared I cannot be the image of me I want to be, YET I must try without bias.  By bias, I mean, without my slant shadowing everything. 

Each day is a gift. Only if I use that gift to the fullest will I be able to look at myself and say, “I kick ass!”  


  1. You do "kick ass" in so many ways I can't wait for you to see it in yourself. You are an amazing person with the power to overcome all of this and be anyone you want to be. I just know some of the best days of your life are just a head of you. XOXO

    1. Thank up so much for the support!! Sometimes I just won't allow myself to see my own strength and abilities. It is as though because I am angry, I will not let myself succeed. Yet i will not give up on having a kick ass life because I see others who have it and I know I want it!!!

  2. You can only accomplish that which you set out to accomplish. In the movie Wallstreet, Gordon Gecko (Michael Douglas) uttered the immortal line "Greed is Good".
    There is a time and a place where 'anger is good'. It is a powerful and at times motivational force. It seems that you have put energy into not being disappointed. To reach that end you set low or non-existing expectations. Nothing ventured ~ nothing gained.
    Seek to achieve and allow yourself to get angry if you suffer a level of disappointment. I think that Thomas Edison said "I have not failed...I just found 10,000 ways that do not work". Never give up.

    1. What an amazingly perceptive comment! I do set fairly low goals and try to find happiness by fulfilling those low expectations. I often get upset when others do not express happiness when I succeed at that easy goal. It seems to me that this is to get the attention I want without putting myself out there too much, in other words, little risk to experience little pain in case of possible failure.
      I know I keep saying thank you for your comments but I do so because I am so appreciative of you spending anytime to read and think about my life. So thank you!!!
